Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Settling in

Hey gang, sorry for the large gap in postings but I've been in the process of moving and I've neglected to keep posting. I've finally settled in and got everything pretty much put in place. I've even got a room dedicated as the art room, whereas before it was just a desk in my bedroom.

A goofy pic of me at the new place, no I don't
wear glasses
I've been applying to jobs like crazy, because although ideally I want to be supported solely by my art, right now it isn't enough to keep me going. I had 3 interviews yesterday and one of them that I set up was from a really vague craigslist posting so I went not even knowing what the job was...turns out it was a door-to-door Kirby vacuum salesman, but the pay they boasted was outstanding. The interview went fine and the guy said I'd get a call if I got the job. So I left and about 2 hours later I got the call...but I had been thinking about it and I really don't think I want to sell my soul for any amount of money... because firstly I don't think people actually have souls, I just think it's pragmatic for illustrations sake; secondly, I decided that I'm really not that into money; and finally, I hate pushing sells on people.

So I told the guy, Bob, that I didn't want the job but he just kept trying to get me to do it...but I stayed strong and said "NI!". Later in the evening I had another interview with the owner of a janitorial/carpet cleaning service, we met inside a Wendy's restaurant and it went great! I got the job, and I will be working alone late nights which suits me fine.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Children's book illustration project

Lately I have been working on the character designs for a children's book that I am illustrating. It has been a fun experience coming up with concepts for the characters. It is also new for me to be working in collaboration with the writer. I have a lot of creative freedom as far as how the characters look, which is nice but is kinda hit and miss when it comes to what the writer wants. The project is moving along slowly, but hopefully it will pick up the pace in the future...and I hope it gets published.

These are just some preliminary sketches done with watercolor and ink, just to get idea for what the characters will look like. The final medium will most likely be digital.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Slow It Down

Time has been flying by me and I feel as though if I don't take time to slow down and analyze what I'm doing I will continue this pattern indefinitely. I graduated from college less than two weeks ago, and looking back it doesn't seem like it took that long. I did have some great times in college though; I gained some great friends, found my life partner, went on some cool art club trips, and learned a lot.

There has been a lot of confusion and indecision rolling around in my head about what I should do with my life and if I'm making mistakes, but I've finally concluded that I just need to gather all the information I can and make the choice that seems right to me. I'm going to be leaving my hometown soon and moving across the state, I feel it's time to move on and start on my own path. I've been reading several articles lately (Art of Non-Conformity, Zen-Habits, In Praise of Idleness, Walden) on simplifying life and determining my life's direction. It feels like a long slow process, but I know this is something I shouldn't rush.

I feel like modern society over complicates life and I want to find a way to keep it simple. I don't want to fall into the average "produce-consume" lifestyle. I don't want to buy a fancy new car every few years or buy every gadget that comes out. I don't want to trade the young years of my life working for a company in the hopes that one day when I'm old I'll be able to retire. I'm going to live now. In this situation I don't think delay of gratification is the best choice, I have one life to live and I'm not going to live it by selling out. I feel like a lot of people want a life of simplicity too, but I don't see much effort to change.

My goal is to be self employed and create quality artwork for wonderful people, so I can buy the things that I need to live. That's it, nothing extravagant. I know this goal is possible and I'm going for it.

I want this to be my life's motto: Life is simple.
And I am going to do everything I can to achieve it.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Created with watercolor and sumi ink. I've really been enjoying the process of painting these trees. It's very whimsical and carefree.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Crunch Time

Completed painting of Marylin's portrait
It's been a busy week, but I finally finished the painting. It has taken about 40 hours (or about 80 tv episodes on Netflix) to paint. But it was time well spent, I learned a lot; improved my technique of painting hair; discovered that just because both tubes of paint say "Payne's grey" doesn't mean they are the same color...
I finished painting this bad dog just in time because I had to hang it in the art show while the edges were still drying! Yipes!

Detail shot of hand
detail of neck stump, eeeww

detail of the billowing hair
All in all, I think this portrait turned out well and it's a good likeness of Marylin.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Rite of Spring

Add caption
New watercolor and sumi ink painting.

I'm starting to a use a new way to promote my blog posts by using Stumbleupon , so if you like a part of my post or a piece of my artwork click the green and blue circle with the ''SU'' at the bottom of every post, and give it a thumbs up!